Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight is the title of the American adaptation of the Japanese tokusatsu series Kamen Rider Ryuki, the twelfth installment in the Kamen Rider Series. It is being brought to television by Steve and Michael Wang. The series had a sneak premiere on December 13, 2008, but started official broadcasting on January 3, 2009 and will play throughout the year, with a wide-release theatrical film expected to release the following year. Adness Entertainment chose to adapt Ryuki over the other Heisei Rider shows as it has a large number of characters (Ryuki had 13 Riders in total) as well as a female Rider. It is also the first tokusatsu adaptation of a Kamen Rider series since Saban's Masked Rider, which was adapted from Kamen Rider BLACK RX. The show currently airs in the United States on The CW Television Network during its The CW4Kids programming block.
Main cast[]
- Kit Taylor, Adam: Stephen Lunsford
- Len: Matt Mullins
- Maya Young: Aria Alistar
- Xaviax: William O'Leary
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